What do you know about Salt therapy?
The benefits are endless. Himalayan Salt is utilised by many, whether in cooking, through Salt lamps, scrubs, but Salt Therapy rooms offer another completely amazing experience. Salt therapy is a natural remedy that involves inhaling pharmaceutical-grade dry salt in a very comfortable, controlled environment.
As you sit back and relax, a special medical device called a halogenerator will disperse microscopic salt particles into the area. You’ll inhale these tiny particles deep into your airways and lungs and they will land on your skin.
Suitable for babies, children and adults, salt therapy can help soothe an extended list of skin, respiratory and lifestyle conditions.
how does salt therapy help?
The natural healing qualities of salt are that it’s anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal. These qualities are what make salt a good method of relieving several respiratory issues like congestion from eczema or mucus from a cold virus.
Once inhaled, the salt causes your mucus to thin and liquefy, making it easier to dislodge and expel – together with pathogens, debris and pollutants.
Dry salt particles also gently stimulate your body’s natural cilia movement. Cilia help keep our airways clear of mucus and dirt, so we are able to breathe with ease. But with the assistance of salt, this process is accelerated. consider salt sort of a toothbrush for your airways, cleaning out mucus, debris and pathogens.
For the skin, dry salt can absorb impurities, regulate the pH level and promote your skin’s ‘good’ bacteria. It improves the skin’s protective properties, reducing inflammation and inspiring natural exfoliation and regeneration.
Salt therapy can help relieve the symptoms of skin, respiratory and lifestyle conditions, including:
So where does Salt come from?
Unbeknownst to many, Pakistan is home to the world's second-largest salt reserves, found in district Jhelum of the Punjab province. Of all the various kinds of salt there's, Himalayan salt has the most negative ions which are why Himalayan salt lamps are so popular. Negative ions purify the air. Computers, cell phones, and fluorescent lighting all give off positive ions which tend to agitate. The negative ions are relaxing.
ready to give it a try?
Here at RE/WIND, you'll be able to choose to relax in our Salt Room, or perhaps go one further and book in a Yoga or Meditation class within the Salt Room. With so many benefits of this therapy, why not give it a try?